HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) — Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden spoke at Pennsylvania’s capitol today on Labor Day.

Biden came to the Pennsylvania American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization’s headquarters to participate in an online discussion with labor members nationwide.

AFL–CIO president Richard Trumka hosted the chat with Biden, highlighting the former vice president’s commitment to union workers and their efforts.

Biden started the conversation thanking workers on Labor Day and noted that essential workers are the foundation of the country, responsible for things running amid a pandemic. “Wall Street did not build this country, you did.”

Biden offered additional praise for unions and their contributions before questioning how they have weakened over the years. He promised that he would not only help strengthen them if he wins the presidency, but plans to empower unions.

“I’m going to be the strongest labor president we’ve ever had,” he said.

The former vice president’s tone then quickly shifted to addressing coronavirus, the economy, and lambasting the incumbent president.

“What in God’s name else can this guy do?” Biden remarked.

Biden also did not fail to address President Trump’s alleged statements calling fallen veterans “losers” and “suckers.” The presidential nominee blasted the president’s reported comments, citing personally how his son Beau served alongside noble servicemen and praised U.S. troops.

“I’ll tell you something: My Beau wasn’t a loser or a sucker,” he said, describing his son’s service in Kosovo and Iraq. “He didn’t serve with losers and suckers. He served with heroes. He served with American patriots. And none of the veterans you know were losers or suckers. No president has ever talked about our servicemen and women in that way.”

He called Trump “downright un-American”, who also allegedly questioned the point of service towards former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, saying, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”

The former vice president concluded his tirade of Trump saying, “the simple truth is, if that’s how you talk about our veterans, you have no business being president of the United States of America. Period.”

Biden ended by thanking union workers and appreciating their continued efforts before taking questions from AFL–CIO members.

The democratic nominee looked to allay the worry of several members concerned with the current state of the pandemic, promising additional financial aid to struggling families and relief to working Americans.

“It will get better,” Biden said.

Both Trump and Biden campaigns have ramped up visits to the Keystone State, looking to lock up an important battleground state ahead of the general election in November.

Biden came to Pittsburgh last Monday, while the president’s daughter-in-law visited the GOP headquarters in Bucks County. Pence stopped by Luzerne County on Tuesday and Trump most recently gave remarks in Latrobe on Thursday.

Both the president and former vice president are expected to be in Shanksville on Friday in observation of 9/11.