In this edition of That’s Cool with Joe, we took the suggestion of taking a look at the technology in Wear & Hear’s BeHear Now personalized hearing Bluetooth stereo headset. This headset is made for people that maybe need some help hearing in certain circumstances without needing official hearing aids quite yet.

******Now a quick disclaimer. This product is not a substitute for seeing a doctor or audiologist for any changes in your hearing****

This headset is available at Amazon or directly through Wear & Hear. Included in the box is the headset along with a multitude of earbud size attachments.

BeHear NOW personalizable hearing amplifier

After charging the device, it can work right outside the box; however, to get the best results, you need to download the accompanying app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Once the app is downloaded and installed, you start out with a personal hearing assessment.

Once this is done, the headphones will be linked to your phone and you are ready to go. There are quick buttons for quick use in different settings.

Here are the reviews for some common uses for these headphones. First the phone calls. It was great in hearing and speaking with other people. The controls on the headset are very easy to use. You can also talk to someone, hear them clearly, along with hearing your live environment, with their ListenThrough technology. This adds to safety while wearing headphones. And their EasyListen technology will help slow down fast talkers for better understanding. The only setback is will you have these handy and on when that phone call comes in.

As basic headphones, these excelled with everything except for the highest audiophiles that will be unhappy with anything but the highest quality music with the highest quality headphones. Their HearThrough technology means that you can hear cars approaching while on a walk or run.

If you just need something to hear better in or around the house, these worked well too. There are features to help hearing in busy restaurants and at live music concerts, but due to the Covid-19 crisis, a test of these features was hard to accomplish.

Here is the overall final product review. It was easy to set up and had great battery life that can last the better part of the day without charging. For the features included, the value is there. As for comfort, you will notice wearing headphones. You may have to play around with the different earbud sizes before finding the best option for your comfort. Customization is good, but if you want to get too deep into the personal settings, it can be a bit cumbersome.

If you have a topic for a future That’s Cool segment, please email Joe at