A cold front will arrive and stall just west of Pennsylvania Wednesday afternoon. The front will bring scattered showers and steady rain to the region Wednesday through Friday night.
Scattered showers will move into our western counties first Wednesday afternoon. The showers will continue Wednesday night through Thursday. The actual cold front will stall over Ohio and not move through Central Pennsylvania until Saturday. That pattern will keep rain in the forecast for a couple of day. Normally a cold front will bring rainy conditions for about 24 hours or so but because the front will stall over Ohio it will bring us 2 extra days of rain.
Thursday there will be scattered showers throughout the day but the heaviest and steadiest rain will arrive Friday. Friday will bring the best chance for some minor flooding to occur. 1.5-2.5 inches of rain is expected to fall over Central Pennsylvania with in the next 3 days. Remember if you come across a road that is cover in water TURN AROUND DO NOT DROWN.