Today NOAA released their 2018 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook. They are saying it will be 75 percent near or above normal season, with a 25 percent chance of a below normal season.  

They are predicting a 70-percent possibility of 10 to 16 storms, which is winds of 39 mph or greater. 5 to 9 of those storms could become hurricanes, which have winds of 74 mph or higher. 1 to 4 of those storms can be major hurricanes, which is category 3 or higher and winds 111 mph or higher. 

With the possibility of a weak El Nino developing, along with near-average sea surface temperatures across the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. These are the factors that are driving their outlook. 

NOAA is also going to be doing upgrades to their current suite of products and will be using more data from next-generation models and satellite data. This will help decision makers and the pubic to act before, during, and after hurricanes. 

You can find more details from the outlook here: