Perry County, Pa. (WTAJ) — Those who answered the call of duty on September 11, 2001, difficult memories still live on today. Each dealing with those impacts in different ways.

Lenny Yourth is a retired New York City firefighter now living on a farm in Central Pennsylvania. His new home serves not only as rehabilitation for him but also for the goats that live there.

Capra Farms in Millerstown is not just the home of 24 goats, it’s the home for new beginnings. Lenny Yourth spent most of his life as a New York City firefighter called to action, 19 years ago. One of the darkest days in the Country’s history.

I was actually at the hospital with my daughter who was supposed to get an MRI on her brain that morning. I was right across the river when the first plane hit. As things progressed and the second plane hit, they issued the recall, that’s when I started making my way into Manhattan. I got there after the two main towers fell, but before tower 7 came down.

Lenny Yourth/ NYFD Firefigher (Ret.)/ Capra Farm

Lenny says the FDNY instituted new shifts. 24 hours on, 24 hours off. But those days off weren’t breaks. He says he’d go to three funerals a day. All heroes who lost their lives responding to the call of duty.

That day, 10 guys from my firehouse, were lost. As for guys that I’ve lost over the years due to cancer, probably another 20 guys I’ve known personally. In all, I knew 70 guys that died that day. So now the number of guys that got killed or died after 9/11 is probably somewhere around 100.

This time of year is rough for anyone that’s within 100 yards of me. Because as memories are coming up, it still affects you now, 19 years later.

Lenny Yourth

After multiple heart attacks in 2010, Lenny retired from firefighting moving the family to this farm in Central PA. It became the home of continued rehabilitation for Lenny, and for the four-legged friends that his wife Michelle has adopted into the family.

One of those goats in need is Anna. Born in the middle of a polar vortex 5 years ago.

When they found her she had already suffered frostbite to her ears and her back legs. Since she couldn’t move, they left her in her pen, so her front legs contracted, so she can’t unbend them so she walks on her elbows.

We called 4 different prosthetic places and no one could help her.

Michelle Yourth/ Capra Farm, Millerstown Pa.

Michelle and Lenny found Bionic Pets in Sterling, Virginia. They were able to cast four comfortably fitting prosthetics for Anna’s legs.

Having the 4 prosthetics allows her to go pretty much anywhere she would like to go. If not, she’d be walking on her elbows and on her knees. It’s painful and uncomfortable and long term would have done more damage to her. Now she’s got her prosthetics so she can walk freely and pain-free.

She’s very friendly and she loves attention. I think with her prosthetics she is more confident walking outside because she’s not in any pain.

Michelle Yourth

Anna has a new beginning with her life on the farm. Just like Lenny.