(WTAJ) — Flight 93 was one of four planes hijacked on Sept. 11. It was supposed to attack our nation’s capital, but 40 brave passengers made sure that it never arrived in Washington, D.C.

These everyday heroes took control and fought back. They would crash into a field in Shanksville, Pa.

In an instant, the site became a memorial and a sign of their sacrifice.

We remember the heroes in Shanksville, but we also want to pay tribute to those who were at the Pentagon and at ground zero in New York City.

Dave Camisa lives in Huntingdon County, but he lived in New York City for 50 years.

He was part of the NYPD auxiliary program, which meant he volunteered to patrol the city and even eventually worked his way up to lieutenant.

On Sept. 11, 2001, he was working on Wall Street.

When people came in screaming and crying that a plane hit one of the trade centers, Camisa went rushing to the scene and quickly realized that this wasn’t an accident, but an act of terror.

“It didn’t have the 100% effect of ‘this is real’ until some of the pieces starting falling into place,” Camisa said.

Camisa’s mind still rattles with memories, like a loud freight train bringing him back to a day he will never forget.

“I didn’t comprehend it because there were a couple of clothing stores right there on the corner and you know, you just look at it and think they are mannequins that fell out of the window,” he said. “They weren’t mannequins.”

Years later, Camisa still has his uniform: the white jacket and hat with gold braiding are reminders of that horrific day.

“The main thing is to remember everybody that didn’t go home that day to family and friends,” Camisa added.