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Walmart making changes due to COVID-19

Walmart is changing the way you’ll be shopping, during the coronavirus pandemic.

In the past few weeks Walmart has responded to the COVID-19 outbreak, by closing stores overnight for cleanings and restocking.

The company also installing sneezeguards and social distancing markers, having temperature checks, and making gloves and masks available for associates.

Saturday morning, the retail company is starting new precautions at their stores.
No more than five customers per 1,000 square feet will be allowed in a walmart.

Employees will count each customer, before they are allowed in.
Once a store hits its capacity shoppers will be allowed in on a “1-out-1 in” basis.

Chelsee Williams from Morrisdale came with her parents to Walmart on West Plank Road in Altoona Friday night, so they didn’t have to potentially wait to be let in Saturday.

“I think it’s good, I think for how big Walmart is as a corporation, they have to slow down the amount of people that come in, because I think it’s just a large company itself, they know that they’re gonna; get hit harder than some of the local stores,” Chelsee Williams, said.

Starting next week, one-way movement through aisles will begin in a number of stores through floor markers and guidance from workers.

Walmart says their corporate leaders will continue to listen to advice from health experts and adjust protocols as needed, during this crisis.