It’s volunteer week for the WTAJ morning team. Our Morgan Koziar paid a visit to the residents at Nelson’s Golden Years Personal Care Home in DuBois.
Activities Coordinator, Kim Ellinger creates a variety of activities for the residents to participate in like making food, bringing in live bands, and musicians. Kim says the residents feel like family. “All they [residents] want is someone to talk to. Just someone to listen,” says Kim.
Susan Hetrick, a 4th year resident at the facility says she really enjoys living at Nelson’s, and she mentions that she tries not to gain weight, but its hard when the food is so good.
Morgan was invited to come and make pretzels with the residents. When residents come, they no longer have the ability to cook, so Kim finds ways for them to still help in the kitchen.
Nelson’s Personal Care Home is located at 137 Oklahoma Cemetery Road in DuBois.