Concerned students at St. Francis University contacted WTAJ News to inform us that dozens of students have fallen ill to a stomach virus.

In recent weeks, a few college campuses in Pennsylvania have had an outbreak of the norovirus.  

We contacted St. Francis officials they say it’s too early to determine if this is the same virus, but they are monitoring the situation closely.

The following is a statement from the university:

Saint Francis University’s Student Health Center is closely monitoring a fast-acting virus that has sickened students (primarily those living in residence halls) with flu-like systems this week. While the situation is still ongoing, Health Center has seen a decrease in students reporting symptoms since the illness was first reported. Students are preparing to leave campus to begin Spring Break which should allow the spread of the virus to subside.

“February is a peak month for viruses. The university usually sees an increase in illness reports this time of year, and we are working the Department of Health to take extra measures to limit the impact on our student population,” said Karen McCabe, Assistant Director of Student Health. Anyone with symptoms should continue to contact the Health Center which is extending evening hours and adding Saturday hours to allow students greater access to care.   

Aggressive cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting efforts will continue throughout the weekend with the help of additional custodial staff. On an academic front, the University is working with students based on individual needs to make sure that any missed class time or exams can be made up after break. 

University President Fr. Malachi Van Tassell is working with the administration to make sure that the downward trend in cases continues. “The safety and wellbeing of our students remains our top priority,”  he said.”We will issue regular communications to the community and make students aware of all the medical care resources available to them. I want to personally thank everyone within the University and the medical professionals in the community who have stepped up during this situation to care for our students.”

Updates will continue to be sent as new information is made available