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Vandals destroy fall decorations

Decorating downtown, and specifically Central Park is becoming a seasonal tradition. 

The scarecrow competition has been going on for 10 years, “Local businesses, nonprofits, church groups, and schools can participate in decorating a scarecrow that meets the theme of their particular business,” Melissa Radovanic says.

However Radovanic, the president of the Discover Downtown Johnstown Partnership, says a small group of people are trying to ruin Johnstown’s fall festivities.

“The displays were tampered with and then there was one scarecrow that was completely torn apart.”

This past week some of the scarecrows had to be put back together from top to bottom.

“It’s disheartening to see that there are still people in our community that would tamper and vandalize some of the nice things going on in Central Park.  We obviously have a lot coming up with the Christmas season and we hope that people keep their hands where they’re supposed to be.”

Radovanic says the partnership is looking into taking extra measures with cameras so if something happens in the future they’ll know.

“The partnership has been thinking about installing cameras in Central Park ever since the Christmas tree was installed last year, but because of the vandalism to the scarecrows, we would like people to come to Central Park and know that it is safe to be here.”

The Christmas decorations are still scheduled to be put up at the beginning of November.