On Monday, Donald Trump unveiled his much-anticipated plan to defeat radical Islamic terrorism, stating “we cannot let this evil continue.”

One of the major pillars is to suspend issuing visas to citizens from countries that the U.S. determines it cannot appropriately vet. An ideological test would determine whether those wishing to enter the country harbor anti-American values.

Trump said, “time is overdue to develop a new screening for the threats we face today.  I call it extreme vetting.”
Trump also argued that any country willing to work with the U.S. against ISIS would be considered an ally.

“Our administration would be a friend to all moderate Muslim reformers in the middle east,” he said. “We will amplify their voices.”

At a rally in Scranton, Lackawanna County, Hillary Clinton says she has a very different vision for America and how to keep it safe.

“He’s talked about sending ground troops – american ground troops – well, that is off the table,” Clinton said Monday.

Trump made clear in his speech that he disagrees.

“Hillary Clinton lacks the judgment , as said by Bernie Sanders, stability, and temperament, and moral character to lead our nation,” said Trump.