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Teen sentenced 60 to life for murder

One of the teens involved in shooting and killing a young woman in Bedford County was sentenced Tuesday. 
Ryan Hardwick, 17, is facing 60 years minimum.  Hardwick was involved in the murder of 21-year-old Stephanie Waters in January 2015.  Hardwick and De’Auntay Moye, 15 and 16 at the time of the incident, planned to meet up with Waters’ boyfriend to buy marijuana, but Waters showed up instead.
Moye admitted to fatally shooting Waters and her dog.  He and Hardwick drove around in her car, smoking weed as she died in the back seat.  Hardwick admitted to helping hide the car, the gun, and the body.
In court Tuesday, Hardwick sat before the judge, not showing any emotion, even when members of Waters’ family got up to read letters.
The judge took note of this and also considered Hardwick’s past offenses, noting he once threw a lit cigarette in someone’s facing, burning them.  He also shot a random woman with a BB gun, who needed the BB surgically removed.
The judge said the murder of Stephanie Waters was another crime Hardwick committed without any reason.  He ruled concern for public safety is very high, therefore sentencing Hardwick to a minimum of 60 years.  The judge explained by the time Hardwick could get out, he hopefully will not be able to harm anyone else.
“I was really afraid that he was going to get a lesser sentence because of his age,” said Sally Harr, Waters’ mother. “I’m really glad [the judge] took all of the accounts of [Hardwick’s] past, plus what they had done to Steph.”
“And took into account what statements everybody read today and how we all showed up to support the whole court case,” added Benjamin Button, Waters’ father.
The judge said Hardwick will be eligible for parole, but did not give a time frame.  Co-defendant De’Auntay Moye is scheduled to be sentenced December 2nd.