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Supplement may help heart attack survivors

New research suggests that a common supplement may help the heart heal after a heart attack. Heart failure is a big concern after a heart attack, because the heart’s function and shape can change afterwards.  
A new study looked at whether omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil would help prevent further damage. It included 360 patients who got either high doses of omega 3s or placebo for six months after their heart attack. Researchers used MRI’s to look at the hearts before and after.
They found  patients who received omega 3s  had about a 6 percent improvement in heart function, and less scarring of the heart muscle. However, they say heart attack survivors shouldn’t just start taking fish oil.
Dr. Raymond Kwong, Brigham And Women’s Hospital explains, “the medication we used was an FDA approved purified form of fish oil. Whether that has the same components as what one can  buy as a supplement remains to be further studied.
Dr. Kwong says patients in the study didn’t suffer any serious side effects. The study also found the omega 3s may have some anti-inflammatory benefits for heart attack survivors