Dr. Ronald Bettig worked in the College of Communications at Penn State since 1988.
He was not scheduled to teach this fall but the University said he had the ability to “powerfully connect with students” and his teaching was “transformative.”
Rachel Guldin, a former student of Dr. Bettig, said she actually had plans to catch up with him over coffee this weekend and is shocked by the sudden loss.
“I really hope that Dr. Bettig’s death does not overshadow the amazing work that he did. And I hope it doesn’t take away all the contributions that he made to the Penn State community, to the scholars that were here, to the many people he inspired to become critical scholars themselves. I think that his legacy will live on for sure,” Guldin said.
There has been an outpouring of condolences for the professor on social media.
The University says counseling services are available for students and faculty.