The new Chief of Police in State College has some big shoes to fill.  Chief Tom King has been the town’s top cop for 23 years and an officer for nearly ten more.

He is handing over his duties to someone he’s worked very closely with.

Borough officials and police officers received this email Monday afternoon:

Good Afternoon,

On March 15, we opened the process to select the next Chief of Police for the State College Police Department (SCPD). Today, I am pleased to announce the selection of the next Chief of Police.

Over the past four months, I have been assisted in this process by obtaining input and feedback about the candidates from a number of people, from within the organization, both sworn officers and civilian employees, Chiefs and officers from other departments, Township Managers from College and Harris Township, Penn State and the community.  I am grateful for their time and for their thoughtful observations about the candidates.  I am confident that this process has been successful in large part because of the assistance provided by these individuals.  I want to acknowledge and thank them for their participation.

I also want to thank the candidates.  We are indeed fortunate to have strong leadership and officers to support the culture that has been instilled for years in the State College Police Department.  All three candidates demonstrated the ability to lead this Department and serve the community.  This was a difficult choice, but only because all three candidates are such strong and capable leaders.  I believe that any one of these three candidates could lead this department and continue the tradition of excellence that is part of the culture in the State College Police Department.

I would like to announce that John F. Gardner has been selected as the next Chief of the State College Police Department.  I believe that John is the candidate that best reflects the attributes and core competencies that were identified at the start of this recruitment process.

Assistant Chief Gardner has demonstrated leadership in the department throughout his career. He has conducted himself with integrity and demonstrated both strong moral and ethical character in his professional affairs as well as in his personal life.  Since joining the SCPD, Assistant Chief Gardner has experience in all divisions, assignments and ranks within the department.  He has served as a Patrol Officer, Field Training Officer, Bike Patrol Officer and Background investigator.  He has also served as a Criminal Investigator (Detective), Patrol Shift Supervisor, Detective Section Supervisor, Commander of the Patrol Division and the Traffic/Warrant Section and for the past 3 ½ years Assistant Chief of Police and Commander of Detective Division and Records Section.  Over his 26-year career with the Police Department, John has served as a Police Officer, Detective, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain and Assistant Chief of Police.

Assistant Chief Gardner was selected from a very strong group of candidates.  Throughout this process, I was reminded time and again about the strengths of the State College Police Department.  State College is fortunate to have such a strong and dedicated group of men and women serving this community, including Harris and College Townships.  This was reinforced consistently as I spoke with officers, civilian employees, Chief’s from other departments, community members, and many others that participated in this process.

Assistant Chief Gardner’s appointment will be effective September 1, 2016.  He will be formally introduced at a media conference tomorrow, August 2, 2016 at 1:30 PM in the Council Chambers and he will be sworn in as the next Chief at the August 15, 2016 Council meeting.