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Some health insurance rates up 32%

If you get your health coverage through the federal insurance program, you can now get an idea of what you may be paying next year. On Monday, the state insurance commissioner  announced 2017 rates for health insurance plans in Pennsylvania under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Next year, rates for individual plans will go up an average of 32.5 percent, while rates for small group plans will rise an average of 7.1 percent.
These rate increases apply only to residents who get health insurance in the individual and small group markets on the federal exchange. which amounts to about 10 percent of Pennsylvania residents with healthcare coverage. These rates do not apply to larger employers, those with 50 employees or more, or government plans such as Medicare or Medicaid.
The Insurance Department has provided information on rates by area of the state, an explanation of the process for approving rates, and a shoppers’ guide to help individuals navigate the process of buying insurance on their web site, www.insurance.pa.gov
On the main page, click on “2017 Affordable Care Act Rates by Rating Area” to see examples of rates in specific regions, and under the Consumers tab, click on “Health” to find the shoppers’ guide.