Trooper Landon Weaver. A brave man who selflessly served the citizens of #Pennsylvania. Condolences to his family & the @PAStatePolice— NYPD In Memoriam (@NYPDInMemoriam) December 31, 2016
The Capitol lights are dark except for a thin blue line to honor fallen @PaStatePolice Trooper Landon Weaver. May he rest in peace. -TW— Governor Tom Wolf (@GovernorTomWolf) January 1, 2017
Today we traveled to offer our condolences to our #brothersinblue. @PAStatePolice Landon Weaver, may you rest in peace. #harfordstrong— Harford Sheriff (@Harford_Sheriff) January 4, 2017
In honor of my cousin, PA State Trooper Landon Weaver, please turn your porch lights on tonight. Please continue spreading the word&love❤— Sarah Detwiler (@sarahd347) January 5, 2017
HAHS: Don’t forget to wear blue tomorrow to honor the recent tragedy involving Trooper Weaver. ⭕ 🇺🇸 🐾— Positive School Wide (@PSWHuntingdon) January 4, 2017
We Send Our Prayers & Thoughts To @PAStatePolice For The Loss Of Trooper Weaver. Thank You For Your Bravery & Courage. #ThinBlueLine— Guns & Hoses of NTX (@GunsandHosesTX) January 3, 2017