Just because your kids have a snow day, it doesn’t mean that you have one.  So what kind of care can you get for them in a moment’s notice?

“I know that when I was younger we didn’t have something like this,” says site director Marty Leap.  “If school got canceled, then you’re scrambling to find who’s going to watch your children, where are they going to go, do you have to get off work?”

It can be difficult to predict if your child’s school will delay or close completely.  So The Learning Lamp’s “Kids Day Out” program is working to ease the worries of a working parent.

“This program is so convenient for parents, especially on a day where there may be a snow day,” Brittany Darr, director of school-age programs says.

The program, which has four different locations in our region, is open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.  You can call that morning to say your child will be attending.  You don’t need to pre-register.  Five children at each site need to attend that day for the program to happen. 

Part of the day is free time for the kids, but from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. themed activities are planned, “There are different themed activities like science, art, musical activities that are that are all planned based on the theme,” says Darr.

Monday, the kids at the program in Richland Township, were making crafts and learning a little bit more about Valentine’s Day with site director, Leap, “We talk a little bit about the history of Valentine’s Day, where it started, how it got started, and how the traditions got started.”

Organizers say the structure and hands-on activities provide fun for kids that does not involve sitting in front of a computer or other electronic devices all day long.

“You know they’re going to be safe.  It’s nice to because it’s educational and they’re going to learn a little bit as they’re here as well, not just spend all day sitting around doing nothing,” Leap adds.

To attend the program in Boswell or Ebensburg, the cost is $23 for the day.  It costs $23.50 in Westmont and $26 per day in Richland Township.