Defense companies announced contracts Thursday morning that are worth millions of dollars and a local organization says that’s crucial for our veterans.
“If our defense contractors locally here get jobs, quite often that will translate into jobs for our veterans,” says Tom Caulfield, the president for Veteran Community Initiatives.

It’s the 20th year Veteran Community Initiatives in Johnstown participated in Showcase for Commerce.  They say each year they learn more about our national defense and opportunities from local employers to help the veteran community, “When they become civilians that’s when they’re looking for jobs.  We feel that there is a very strong match between employer needs as a result of these contracts and the job seekers that we have with our veterans.”

Caulfield says showcase is a great tool for his organization, especially when the contracts are military or veteran related.

“You also get a better sense of how important it is for our troops,” Sen. Bob Casey says.  “Just like we have to innovate in our economy to stay ahead of the world and to out compete the world, we have to stay ahead on innovation when it comes to our military.”

Several of Thursday’s contract announcements were tied to the U.S. Army or Navy.  Two of JWF’s four contracts were linked to the military and will create nearly 60 new local jobs.

Even though the focus was on the defense industry, showcase organizers stressed there’s a place for everyone.

“This is meant for any type of business you’re in.  Get engaged in the defense industry, the local companies, they will help support you and grow your business.  It’s a great opportunity and if you’re not down here, you’re not creating business,” says Bill Polacek, JWF CEO.