One community is celebrating after the county reopened a senior center Thursday morning.
The Nanty Glo Senior Center closed in 2012, but commissioners started seriously talking plans with the Area Agency on Aging to reopen the center in winter 2015. 
Thursday morning, the ribbon was finally cut, reopening the center that many in the area love. 
“I live here in this center…15 years,” said Mary Lou Spade. “And I love it. Should have never been closed.”
“I’m really excited because there’s a lot of people that can’t get out to these places and a lot of people that don’t get a good meal every day,” said Nanty Glo resident Debra Warrick. “The senior center is here for the seniors to get together and get to know people and to have a good meal.”
County leaders joined a full house to celebrate the reopening, sharing speeches and joy. 
“We owe it to our seniors and we need not to be closing senior activity centers,” said President County Commissioner Tom Chernisky. “We need to keep them open to be active.”
“Wherever you do live, work, play, pray, gather with your friends, gather with your families, that your local area agency on aging and your local senior community center will always be there for you,” said Teresa Osborne, Pennsylvania State Secretary of Aging.
The county approved a year-long lease in the Nanty Glo House.  There are a few things the seniors in town would still like to accomplish. 
“We want it open 5 days a week. Not 3 days a week,” Spade said. “Every other center is open 5 days a week. We can’t have no activities because it’s only open 10 to 1.”