It was a scary thought for parents, teachers, and administrators of the Richland Township School District.  Only 400 feet separated their elementary school and its students on Schoolhouse Road from the proposed Marriott Hotel site.

“The district was opposed to the site for several reasons, the safety of the kids being first and foremost,” says Richland School District Superintendent Arnie Nadonley.

Nadonley adds that the school district has made informal offers over the past few years to try to purchase and secure the land, “No matter what would be developed on that site, whether it would be a hotel or a restaurant or whatever the case is, it would cause a safety issue.”

Officials call this ending a win-win situation.  They purchased the once to-be hotel site for only $275,000, which is half of the original asking price of $550,000.  The district says it will also be interest free.

“It’s not going to impact our budget.  So that will I think let the tax payers and residents be reassured that we’ll be okay.”

The payments will be made over the span of three years.  They say it’s an investment that was an easy decision financially and for the best interest of their students.

There are no immediate plans to develop the land, but as part of the agreement the district will allow the township to use it for their annual community days celebration.