Punxsutawney’s borough council heard from a possible consultant as they consider a review of the police department.

We have more on why recent turmoil has some residents frustrated.

More than 30 people showed up for the half-hour special meeting, but the council made no decision.

Behind closed doors, the council heard from Washington County’s Peters Township Police Chief Harry Frecht about his consulting services for a “peer management review.” The council tabled the review.

“We have some further discussion as a group here before we can make a decision,” says council president Brian Smith.

“Why do we need a consultant? Why do we need to spend taxpayers’ money,” says resident Albert Barnett.

“I’m hoping that we find some help, maybe some outside, help to steer us in the right direction,” says resident Tammy Carulli.

“I think they spend enough money checking things out,” says resident John Coble.

Some in the crowd spoke in support of Matt Conrad, a five-year patrolman. The Army Reserves staff seargeant was voted down 4-3 as chief last week.

“He’s old enough to serve our country, you know? Where do you stop discriminating against, when you’re 18, 20, 60?” says Coble.

“I do not understand why the council is sitting, looking for somebody else,” says resident Jim Dunlap at the podium.

“He’s in command of several troops. He’s set up schedules, command headquarters. This man is more than qualified for this job,” says Barnett.

The former chief quit in February after nearly 11 months, citing lack of control over the force, and is now suing for back pay.

“We are looking for a chief, but this is going to help us go down that road to get the right person,” says Smith, of the council.

“I wish people would have worked things out and possibly he would have stayed longer,” says Carulli.

Some say the borough’s reputation is at stake.

“It’s causing the Borough of Puxnsutawney to be viewed as a dysfunctional community,” says resident Shirley Sharp at the podium.

Frecht said he did not want to discuss his services with us because he hasn’t been hired yet.