Former presidential candidate Jill Stein’s recount effort is underway in Pennsylvania. 
Stein has filed for recounts in six of the largest counties in the state, which together comprise 3.45 million voters or 40 percent of the state’s registered voters. Since yesterday, voters have filed more than 780 petitions in more than 260 election districts in Allegheny, Berks, Bucks, Centre, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties. 
PA Voting Fact Sheet:
  • Approximately two-thirds of voting in PA is done through Direct Record Electronic (DRE) touch-screen machines, which are susceptible to manipulation and hacking. 
  •  Approximately one-third of voting in PA is done through optical scan ballots, which are vulnerable to problems and errors. Computer scientists regularly warn about the vulnerabilities of these machines, including that they can be breached without detection and are prone to errors, including a tendency to misread markings made by voters.
  •  The total cost of the recount in the three states (Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania) combined will be approximately $9.5 million, given the unexpected fee increase in Wisconsin from $1.1 to $3.5 million. The money will cover required payments to states, lawyers, volunteer recruitment and other technical assistance.
  •  Current PA Vote Total (Donald Trump leads by 70,638 votes) Donald J. Trump (R) 2,936,118 (48.81%) Hillary Clinton (D) 2,864,805 (47.62%) Gary Johnson (L) 144,189 (2.40%) Jill Stein (W) 49,182 (.82%)