A new campaign office is in full swing for Donald Trump in central Pennsylvania.

According to a recent Quinnipiac Poll, Hillary Clinton still ahead in the state but GOP supporters hope the new space will benefit the Republican party.

Just off South Burrowes St., Joyce Haas, Vice Chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party, said you can find the headquarters near the Penn State campus.

Haas offered a fun fact that the actual state marker for the center of Pennsylvania is in Centre County, so the it was a central location for volunteers, literally.

She said volunteers are encouraged to stop by and help make phone calls and knock on doors to promote Donald Trump.

According to a recent Quinnipiac Poll, Hillary Clinton is ahead of Trump in the state.

But Haas said one important factor is being left out.

“I have never in all of my many many years of being involved, I’ve never seen the excitement that’s out there and that’s what not registering in our polls,” Haas said.

Avery Weinrich, a Junior at the University and a volunteer for Trump’s campaign, said he saw the candidate being promoted on campus.

“…Walked by the Donald Trump table and said ‘I’m going to get involved with Donald Trump. I worked for him during the primary so I’m getting involved here at state college,” Weinrich said.

He added that he represents the key demographic for this election but the biggest issue is the lack of voting.

He said despite his obvious support for Trump, all voters are encouraged to stop by.

“It doesn’t necessarily have to be a Democrat or Republican, every voter can come here and learn how to vote and we’re here for every body,” Weinrich said.