The U.S. House  is expected to vote this Thursday on the proposed American Health Care Act, the Republican alternative to President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. How are area lawmakers expected to vote?
G.O.P Congressman Bill Shuster’s office released this statement Monday, in response to an inquiry from WTAJ.
“Congressman Shuster has met with President Trump about the legislation to replace Obamacare that is expected to be voted on later this week, and he appreciates the president’s leadership in building support among Republicans to finally repeal Obamacare. The legislation is still being worked through the legislative process and he looks forward to reviewing the final version, once it clears all relevant House committees.”
A statement from fellow G.O.P. Congressman Keith Rothfus said:
“Obamacare has been a disaster. It needs to be repealed, and we are looking for solutions.  I believe the current Republican bill has some hurdles that need to be overcome, and we’re working to overcome them.”