Nanty Glo residents have heated their homes and businesses with coal and oil for years. It’s no surprise since the town itself is named after its coal mining history.
Now that prices have dropped for natural gas, however, the town may be looking to make the switch.
“We had tried it back… oh… at least maybe 10, 15 years ago,” said Mayor Steve Szymusiak. “They’re interested in having gas put in. I know a lot of them are asking me, like, you know, ‘What can the town do? Who would be the supplier?'”
Now they are trying again. People’s Natural Gas has been in talks with Mayor Szymusiak and the borough council to lay a gas pipeline under the town’s roads.
“I truthfully think for the town it would be a good thing to get into.”
Some, however, have expressed concerns the massive project will ruin the new roads.
“Paving was $165,000,” the mayor said. “So, you know, that’s something that they’re really concerned about. Nobody wants anything tore up.”
Szymusiak said the gas company told him they will leave the roads better than they found them, but with oil prices significantly lowers and almost comparable to natural gas, residents will have to weigh their options.
“A lot of people who are looking to buy homes in town, one of the main things they want to know is, you know, ‘Do you have gas for heat?'” Szymusiak said.
The mayor thinks bringing in natural gas will ultimately help residents save money and boost the town’s economy.
“We have a few places in town that are vacant right now,” Szymusiak said. “I’m pretty sure that if somebody’s interested and they see where, you know, they have natural gas there, that’s a positive thing for people who are looking and people who are trying to sell.”
Mayor Szymusiak is working with PNG representatives to hold a town meeting next month to answer questions and address concerns. He said the current plan is to have the meeting on February 10th so they can survey residents and move the project along.