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Local residents get Obamacare help

In the next few months, millions of Americans will face important decisions about their medical coverage. Local experts on health insurance were on hand Monday afternoon at J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital in Huntingdon to provide information about coverage under the federal marketplace, Medicare, and Medicaid.  
Open enrollment for Medicare gets underway within the next few weeks, and on November 1,  for coverage under the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. 
It’s Gail Young’s third year as a certified application counselor for  the ACA, at J.C. Blair.
“I urge everyone to either get online sign into your application update to create an application for 2017 or call healthcare.gov and just review everything, and that way when the  beginning of 2017  rolls around, you feel you’ve done what you can  to be prepared for that year,” she advised.
J.C. Blair has a second outreach session scheduled for Tuesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the hospital’s main lobby.