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Local Pastors Say Lubbock Can Do More For Change

In the days after Dallas police officers were targeted by a sniper, leaders in Lubbock expressed a renewed motivation for change.

Local community leaders attended a Lubbock Police Department press conference Thursday afternoon where Chief Greg Stevens showed support for Dallas and plans to move forward as a community. 

Two Lubbock pastors said they believed the Lubbock community has a good relationship with local law enforcement. However, they said more could be done in the city.

Move forward, Difference Maker’s Fellowship pastor Bill Stubblefield said, about race relations on the South Plains, “We’ve got to address it.  We’ve got to say this has happened.  We’ve got to bring forth positive solutions. We’ve got to bring forth the right results. We’ve got to move the level, the needle towards accountability. Let’s own it.  Let’s say that it happens, but let’s move forward.”

“There has to be some education, I believe, on what do you do when you come in to contact with an officer,” First Progressive Baptist Church Senior Pastor Deshaun Avery said. “As well as some education and training for officers. That everything is not life-threatening, as well as individuals that come in to contact with officers, how to comply. So I think there’s education on everyone’s side.”

Wesley Bygel Lubbock Baptist Temple’s Senior Paster said churches need to be a welcoming, safe place for any type of person, and that churches ought to lead the way.

“There’s not a political solution to what has been happening,” Bygel said. “I think it’s amoral issue that as churches we need to step up we need to take the lead and we need to do what we can to address the moral issues of hatred, the moral issues of sin and try to bring the love of Christ, try and bring reconciliation through Jesus Christ to both police officers, political leaders and the community.”

Bygel said that churches can foster a positive family foundation so children can grow up with an accepting community.

“Churches need to do more to strengthen families and really do the best that they can to reach children and to help them have a strong moral base so as they grow up, they’re not more inclined to a life of crime which calls the police into their lives in a negative way,” Bygel said.

Bygel said he will be discussing the Dallas shooting in his sermon Sunday morning.

Lubbock pastors said we as a community can do more for our city.