Today’s children are really, the social media generation. And the Centre County YMCA says it’s a crucial time to learn how to prevent, recognize, and respond to child sexual abuse

Every YMCA location in Centre County offers the Stewards of Children: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training.
A national program brought to Centre county about six years ago.

Jamie SanFilippo, Dir., of Community Outreach, YMCA of Centre County, said the program came to Centre County directly following the Jerry Sandusky scandal.

The program was established in our region by the YMCA,  the Women’s Resource Center, United way, and the Youth Service Bureau.

“Our collaborative has trained over 7,000 adults since about 2011,” SanFilippo said.

The free two hour training provides tools to recognize signs of a victim, which might include anxiety, fear, or nightmares.

The training materials also steer clear of any misconceptions we may have.

“We grew up with our parents teaching us you know, stranger danger, but in reality 90% of kids who are abused are abused by someone that they and their caregivers know and trust,” SanFilippo said.

Becky Elias, a mom of two, said the course is a reliable way to learn how to open a door of communication.

“And to remind children that there are people who are listening, people who can help,” Elias said.

“This training isn’t just for people who have children, it’s for any concerned adult,” SanFilippo said.

She said another good tip, never leave a child in a one-on-one situation that could make them vulnerable.

“It’s our responsibility as adults to protect children because children can’t protect themselves,” SanFilippo said.

For more information on the training programs available throughout Centre County, click here.