Performing magic tricks at the age of just two, Jake Schwartz has a passion for wowing crowds and tricking minds everywhere! Also a sophomore student at Penn State, Jake has been performing his magic professionally for a few years, visiting venues and putting on shows near his hometown of Philadelphia. Jake visited the WTAJ studios to show the morning team some of the tricks that he keeps up his sleeve.
This trick begins with Jake saying that you never achieve success alone, and says he is no exception. Jake then thanks his 52 friends (aka a deck of cards), and pulls out two cards specifically, a 10 of hearts, and a 10 of diamonds. Jake then has morning anchor, K.C. Kantz chose a random card in the deck. K.C. reveals his card to everyone (except for Jake) which reads seven of diamonds. Jake marks to ends to the spread of the deck with the two tens. Jake has K.C. cut the deck in half, and spreads the cards out revealing that the two tens are close together than they were before. Jake then removes, excess cards outside of the 10 mark and narrows it down to one card, revealing K.C.’s chosen card, the seven of diamonds.
Jake says magic has helped him so much in life, including becoming a better student. If you’re interested in checking out more of Jake’s work you can visit his website at
Jake is performing at the Smoke and Mirrors Magic Theater located at Landmark Business Center on 2840 Pine Road in Philadelphia on December 28th at 6 p.m. You can click here to get tickets.