The volleyball game at Altoona High School Monday night looked and sounded like your typical game, but both teams were playing in Erin Dodson’s honor.

“Erin’s legacy, it’s overwhelming,” Erin’s mom, Michelle Dodson, said.

Erin graduated from Altoona in 2004. She was an all star volleyball player who lost her battle to brain cancer in 2011.

Only 24-years-old, she was already a positive role model for future generations.

“When she got cancer she took my daughter under her wing a little bit and was practicing with my daughter before she even knew she wanted to play volleyball,” Susan Zavalanski, who helped organize the fundraiser, said.

Six years later she’s still not forgotten.

At the game baskets were being raffled off. All money raised goes to support her scholarship fund, which is given to an athlete also involved in their community.

 “Our community, our kids and our school have been so strong and so forward in supporting a cause like this because it affects all of us on a daily basis,” Athletic Director for Altoona Area School District, Phil Riccio, said.

A t-shirt with Erin’s name and number sat in the middle of the court.

A game to raise awareness for childhood cancer and recognize Erin Dodson’s lasting impression.

“Even that shes gone, people remember her,” Erin’s mom said. “I mean these t-shirts that say ‘we will always remember,’ isn’t that amazing?”

In previous years this event has raised $7,000. The goal this year is $2,500, but organizers told us by the looks of it, they think they’ll surpass it.