The staff of the Altoona Curve received active shooter training today.

Part of the training focused on heightened awareness, and teaching simple survival skills like deciding to run, hide or fight.  

Officials say they want to help people to be prepared because an active shooter can appear anywhere and usually target venues with a large crowd.

The instructor Bob Fatula is also the Director of Threat Preparedness at Gittings Protective Securities. 

“Unfortunately, we take our families to a venue like this with the intent of having nothing but a nice family day, but we never know who’s in the crowd. So we want them to know that there are things they can do to protect their family, it just takes a little bit of empowerment and survival skills,” said Fatula. 

That is something the general manager of the Altoona Curve echoes, saying today’s training is just the first step in preparing for this type of situation with more planned for the future.