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Teen fight caught on camera, concerning parents

Fights between teens continue to be caught on camera- concerning parents in the area. Lawrence Township police say they’re now investigating an incident showing teenage girls fighting.

A father in Clearfield county says he doesn’t know where to turn because daughter is the target of violent bullying. 

Corey Harris says a group of 12 and 13 year old girls have been sending his sixth grade daughter threatening messages over Facebook for months. 

According to Harris, a few weeks ago those threats turned physical. The girls showing up at Harris’ home in Lawrence Park Village, telling the sixth grader she has to fight one of them. Harris said when his daughter refused, the first punch was thrown.  The video, shared with WTAJ by Harris, shows his daughter running away then being beaten to the ground and kicked by a group of  teens. 

“I can’t leave her out of my sight and it’s not that i don’t trust her, it’s because i know they’re after her. And i know this because they sent her the messages. I’ve seen the text messages, you know ‘we are going to get you, ‘it’s just a matter of time.” you know, what do you do?” asks Harris. 

Harris says his daughter is afraid to go to school or leave the house, because the threats continue.

“I didn’t sleep for three days I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every time I laid down to go to sleep, it just starts playing over and over in my head,” says Harris. 

One of the mothers of the girls accused of being in the group spoke with WTAJ off camera. She says the problems between her daughter and the victim go both ways. 

Lawrence Township Police say they are alerted to the video and an investigation is on going. Both of the parents WTAJ spoke with Friday say some, but not all, of the teens in the video are elementary students in the Clearfield Area school district. WTAJ is still waiting for the elementary school principal to return out calls. We’ll continue to follow this story as it develops.