STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — Most of us are looking  forward to the warm, sunny days of summer, but health experts caution us to avoid getting too much sun.

“Each time you’re exposed to the sun, it’s sort of like a scorecard, so if you over time have a certain amount of sun exposure, sunburns, especially blistering sunburns, that score goes higher and higher and your risk of sun cancer as an adult goes higher,” says Dr. Lorraine Rosamilia, a dermatologist at Geisinger’s Scenery Park location.

She says children need sun protection from the start, although sunscreen isn’t recommended for those under six months old.

“Usually the first six months of life, people include more hats and protective clothing than anything. The zinc and titanium-based kids sunscreens are considered to be safe for all ages but for very, very tiny babies we find that the clothing is a bit more user friendly,” she adds.

Dr Rosamilia says broad spectrum sunscreens in the 30 to 60 SPF range give  enough protection,  as long as you re-apply every two hours or after sweating or being in the water.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, at least a half ounce of sunscreen, or one tablespoon  is enough for younger kids.