People in Meyersdale are still recovering after heavy rain last week. Basements, homes and businesses flooded and the cleanup will take weeks in some cases.

September is National Preparedness Month which reminds people to be prepared for any disaster.

We spoke with some emergency officials to give you some tips on being prepared and staying safe.

Somerset County Emergency Services Director Joel Landis said with all the rain and flooding hitting Central Pennsylvania, there are a few things you can do to keep you and your family safe.

     1. Pay attention to the weather forecast and any evacuation notices.

     2. Be prepared. Have an escape plan and keep an emergency kit handy at home. The emergency pack should include a 24-72 hour supply of food, water, flashlights, blankets and medication, in case you lose power or can’t leave your home.

     3. If you need to evacuate and can safely leave your home, avoid flooded roadways.

Three simple tips to be aware, be prepared and stay safe.

“If they live in a typically flood-prone area, they should keep aware of their surroundings, if something life-threatening would occur in their surroundings, they need to report that to 911,” said Landis.

Anyone in Somerset County who needs help making an emergency plan, for anything from fires to floods, can visit the County Annex Building located at 300 N Center Ave throughout September, Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. for resources about how to prepare.