SOMERSET, SOMERSET COUNTY, Pa. (WTAJ) — Last week, dispatchers, maintenance workers and county clerks in Somerset County voted to go on strike after failed contract negotiations.

Back in February, their union voted down a contract offer made by Somerset County, however, it’s unclear exactly why the union declined the offer.

Those workers are represented by the Somerset County American Foundation of the State, County and Municipal Employees Union.

Negotiations had been tabled because of the coronavirus, but now both sides are trying to reach an agreement so there is no strike.

We reached out to the Somerset County Commissioner’s office on whether or not this was a wage issue but they had no comment.

Management for the dispatch center were also unable to comment on how residents could be affected if there was a strike because of the ongoing negotiations.

One union representative we spoke with says there are hopes to get back to the table sometime this week and that a strike is unlikely, but could happen down the road if there is no deal.

We reached out to the attorney who represents the county, Chris Gabriel, on why negotiations have taken so long but did not get a response.