Premiums for the Affordable Care Act will rise substantially next year, but in many cases, people may pay less than they did this year. According to an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, many low-income Americans with the lowest cost bronze plans will pay nothing for their premiums.
That includes people making $25,000 dollars a year in in Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Huntingdon, Jefferson, and Somerset Counties. They’ll benefit from tax credits that rise with the cost of the premiums. Kaiser’s analysis shows that for the same plan, Blair County residents will pay a $24 premium.
Nationally, the unsubsidized premium for the lowest-cost bronze plan in the federal Marketplace is increasing an average of 17% between 2017 and 2018, the lowest-cost silver plan is increasing an average of 35%, and the lowest-cost gold plan is increasing an average of 19%