The maternity unit at Johnstown’s Memorial Medical Center was very busy a few months ago. Doctors delivered two sets of triplets.

The Hill Sisters and the Swanson Squad were born within a few weeks of each other.  

WTAJ was invited to their first photo shoot. The six newborns are featured in the June edition of Johnstown Magazine.

Andrew and Courtney Swanson are first time parents. They still can’t get over how their life has changed.

“I cried as soon as we found out,” remembers Courtney. “I didn’t know how to react. He just sat there with his mount open, speechless”

The girls are now two months old. The Swansons have adjusted thanks to a strict schedule and a little help from their friends.

“We can call family and friends like hey it’s the 5 p.m. feeding time if you want to stop by and help,” joked Courtney.

Branden and Shelby Hill already have a three-year-old girl. They were trying for a boy.

“You’re excited, but also nervous. I think mostly because of the unknown,” said Branden.

Shelby questioned, “Are we going to be able to afford four kids, three babies. That’s a lot of diapers.”

The couple said their life changed quickly. They had to buy a new car and are now searching for a bigger house.

“We have a three bedroom, but with having four daughters and only one bathroom that’s not going to work out,” smiled Branden.

It’s one of many challenges these families are now sharing together. The two moms said they talked throughout their pregnancy and are constantly sharing tips and strategies on how to handle the sleepless nights and endless diapers.

Johnstown Magazine plans to follow the triplets has they get older. For more on their stories and photos pick up a copy of the magazine. It is on newsstands now.

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