The authority started a side yard program where people can purchase vacant lots next to their homes.
The Johnstown Redevelopment Authority owns about 75 vacant properties throughout Johnstown. All of the lots zoned for residential use are eligible for the side yard program.
“We can create a more positive image in some of the neighborhoods where we did have to do numerous demolitions through the years where there were blighted properties,” said Melissa Komar, the executive director of the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority.
Komar said the new program will help the area’s economy.
“The side yard program will work towards a more positive tax base for this area and it will also bring the properties back into taxation once they are passed onto the private property owner rather than the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority,” Komar said.
The side yard program can beautify Johnstown, as well. Homeowners can build additions, create a garden or other greenspace.
“I look at it more as beautification as well as helping the residents. Many of the vacant lots, there’s not a whole lot of action that takes place on them. I’m hoping that whenever the resident takes ownership of the side lot that they’ll take ownership of that lot,” said Komar.
Residents can find out whether a lot is eligible for the side yard program by contacting the Johnstown Redevelopment Authority. Homeowners who want to purchase a vacant lot are responsible for deed transfer fees through the county, which cost about $100.
So far, there have been 10-15 calls to buy side yard properties since the program started.