HOUTZDALE, CLEARFIELD COUNTY (Pa.)– A Clearfield County school district and multiple first responder agencies joined together today for a large-scale active shooter drill.

Pretend shooters entered Moshannon Valley Elementary School. Those inside had to evaluate the situation and decide what the safest actions would be.

“Whether that’s reacting to the information they have, actively locking down in their classroom, preparing counter measures or evacuating the premises,” Principal Kris Albright said.

It wasn’t just a drill for the district, Clearfield County EMA, multiple police agencies, fire departments and EMS were involved in the response too.

“Not one agency can take care of everything on their own,” Clearfield County Department of Public Safety Deputy Director Scott Mignot said. “You need all these players, you need all these agencies to come together as one entity, as one team, one fight to get everything done and come to a positive conclusion.”

The Clearfield County Coroner, District Attorney, American Red Cross and other mental health agencies were also part of the drill.

The district and other agencies at the drill want the community to know the county is prepared for an event like this.

“We want folks to feel safe, or feel like their kids are safe so when they come to school, if an unfortunate event happens, I think we’re ready to respond and this training just helps to reinforce that,” District Attorney Bill Shaw said.

The district goes through ALICE training throughout the year for faculty, staff and students. The drill is one way that training can be practiced.

“The great thing is not only do our students and our staff learn, but all those first responders learn, and all the feedback that we get just makes our building safer and our students safer,” Superintendent Dr. John Zesiger said.

This is the second time the district has held a drill of this scale.

They plan to hold more as needed.