The sale of the Logan Valley Mall has some people on edge, worried about potential job cuts.

To raise awareness, a couple of mall employees started a petition.

“I think the mall is going to go downhill really fast if we don’t keep what we have,” Lori Diggs, who helped organize the petition said. “Like if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.”

With all the hype around the sale of the shopping center, some are now worried about security, housekeeping, and maintenance workers losing their jobs or taking pay cuts.

“If these people leave, what do we have? We don’t have our safety, we don’t have our cleanliness,” Amelia Helsel, who also helped start the petition, said. “Nobody is going to want to come to the mall.”

Shoppers, mall employees and community members all signed the petition. It’s a way to make management aware.

“If we can somehow persuade the bigger people, the higher-ups, that they’re doing a great job as it is and if you cut staff, you’re cutting our safety, our cleanliness,” Helsel said.

We reached out to mall officials and they told us they are aware, but they can’t make any comment. That’s because the sale of the mall hasn’t gone through yet, so it’s still too early to tell what’s going to happen.

Still, the petition is a way to show people are concerned.

“We need to stand up and fight for them to keep there jobs,” Diggs said.

We’re told the sale is expected to go through sometime in September. Current mall management told us as far as they know, once the deal is finalized, everything will operate as normal.