JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (WTAJ) — A traffic stop led Police to finding 60 pounds of marijuana in the Andrew Colvin, 27, was driving.

Colvin was arrested, and today police were led to a storage unit where they found more drugs connected to Colvin.

Among many, police found a handgun, large amounts of Fentanyl, ten bags of Crystal Meth and Cocaine.

The most concerning though for parents are more than 200 THC inserts and 394 Nerds ropes edibles containing 400 milligrams of THC in each one.

With trick or treat right around the corner, Johnstown Police Captain Chad Miller is urging parents to keep their eyes open.

“We just want to make sure that parents are aware that these edibles are out there. They are in other parts of the county and are making their way into Pennsylvania. Just like you would check in previous years for needles, razor blades, make sure you check with the wrapper for the candies and make sure they’re not edible THC candies.”

Chad Miller: Johnstown Police Captain.

Additional charges have been filed and Colvin is being held on a $500,000