The Philipsburg Borough mayor made a motion to table the vote on Reliance Fire Company’s certification.
The mayor says if council were to vote in favor of decertifying the fire company he would veto it.
Council voted in favor of waiting and continuing to discuss their options.

Robert Ferguson, representing the Reliance Fire Company spoke out Monday Night disappointed the council tabled the vote to decertify the fire department, but say he’s glad to have the chance to be part of the discussion.

“They gotta’ readvertise it to do it again, so at least we’ll be in the loop, and as long as they keep us in the loop and keep us informed of what’s going on and information’s there, I thin everything will go well,” Ferguson, said.

If the borough does decertify Reliance, their firefighters cannot legally put out a fire in the borough.

Reliance Fire Company says the borough hasn’t released all the documents they should have after the Moshannon Valley Fire Council changed leadership during this past election.
The documents include details about the boroughs budget.
The borough says they’ve released all the documents they’ve been asked to.
They also claim Reliance was not reporting information to them, but since the last meeting, has started to give them paperwork about money, accidents and how they do their job.

“We want them to produce what they can record-wise, but more important than that, we want them from now forward to turn in all their reports in a timely fashion,” Mayor Streno, said.

Ferguson says he wants both fire companies and the borough to get together privately and work out a deal to keep Reliance certified.

“I think we’re going to have to come up with some representatives from both companies, and the borough. We’re going to have to sit down in a room and hash it out and hope for the best,” Ferguson, said.