The University Area Joint Authority (UAJA), provides wastewater treatment for residents in Patton, Harris, Ferguson and College Townships.
Customers are billed a quarterly flat fee of $104, but Tom Songer, President of Torron Group, said that’s not an efficient rate.
Torron Group owns and manages both residential and non-residential properties throughout the Centre Region.
For 13 years Songer has been pushing to re-vamp the way UAJA bills.
Ideally, he’d like a system where customers get one bill from the Water Authority listing water usage and a correlating water and sewage bill; which is currently happening in the State College Borough.
“Because they would know that by reducing their water consumption, they’re going to reduce their water bill and their sewer bill,” Songer said.
After more than a decade of challenging the system, he’s created an online petition, with hopes of gaining more community support.
Songer said the lengthy dispute is worth pushing forward.
“Well because I believe in water conservation and the sustainability of our water and sewer systems,” Songer said.
Cory Miller, Executive Director of UAJA, said consolidating water and sewage bills is not the answer.
“While a customer may greatly reduce the amount of water they contribute through water conservation, the mass of organic matter is not going to change,” Miller said.
Songer argues that one general fee isn’t fair for homes that vary in size, but Miller counters that relying on water meter readings has selective benefits.
“No billing system is perfectly fair. Usage based billing benefits people who only use water for part of the year, such as those who leave town for months,” Miller said.
Songer said charging based on water usage would keep residents mindful and use water wisely.
A move he believes is better for the environment and your wallet.
“It provides accountability to all customers,” Songer said.
Next he plans to present his case to the Centre Region Council of Governments, with hopes that UAJA will be mandated to switch to volume metric billing.
To access Songer’s online petition click here.
For the Centre Region Council of Governments’ calendar for public meetings click here.