Friday, for the fourth time, Governor Tom Wolf renewed his disaster declaration for the opioid crisis.

The first of those 90 day declarations was put in place in January. By keeping it in place for the last 11 months, the Wolf administration says it has used those disaster declarations to help launch a 24 hour hotline for help with drug and alcohol problems, provide millions of dollars for substance addiction treatment and take other steps to help addicts recover.

Governor Wolf said, “A disaster declaration allows us to do things we cant ordinarily do. Like I said earlier, 16 different agencies are working together, sharing information, sharing ideas, that doesn’t happen absent this kind of declaration. So, we’re really doing a lot of things together. Going all around the state and the disaster declaration really allows this to happen.”

Governor Wolf also says that his administration has hosted more than a hundred Opioid Round Tables across the state since those disaster declarations took effect in order to help address the needs of individual communities across Pennsylvania.