A pair of local police officers were honored Wednesday night by the Fraternal Order of Police after racing to save one of their own.

“I’ve been in the job a long time and I’ve seen a lot of dead bodies,” Officer Brantner, from the Blair Township Police Department, said. “He was gone. That was really hard for me because this is a really good friend of mine.”

In October 2017, Officer Brantner, Officer Nagle and Officer H.T. Fownes responded to the Eldorado Mobile Home Park. Before they knew it, a foot chase was on.

The arrest was over, but then everything took a turn. Officer Fownes went into cardiac arrest and his brothers in blue rushed in to save him.

“It’s a friend, it’s a coworker,” Officer Nagle, from the Allegheny Township Police Department, said. “So it’s different when it’s one of your own.”

Now the men are being recognized for their quick and swift response.

“Their efforts are the reason I’m here,” Officer Fownes, from the Allegheny Township Police Department, said. “They’re the reason my children still have a father, my wife still has a husband and my community still has an officer out patrolling.”

While they may be going home with plaques and a sense of pride, they know the real reward is sitting there with them.

“The best part is that he’s still with us today,” Officer Brantner said.

Officer Fownes returned to duty in December, just two months after nearly losing it all.