It’s National Love Your Pet Day! Our Morgan Koziar caught up with Diva’s Doggie Dos, a mobile pet grooming truck. She spoke with professional groomer, Robin Roush about the importance of grooming our dogs. Robin says there are things that she finds on dogs like moles, lumps and bumps that need to be checked out. Robin also mentioned the importance of keeping their nails trimmed, their teeth & ears clean.

Ticks, rocks, and salt can hide in between your dog’s paw pads, so Robin makes sure she double checks those little areas when grooming. Trimming the hair between the paw pads is important as well.

Diva’s Doggie Dos Offers a variety of services for your pet. Robin says the company currently serves 318 clients. She loves using a rubber “kong” brush on dogs along with a goat milk perfume. Removing dirt, dander, and hair from your dog’s undercoat is great for getting a shiny coat.

You can learn more about how to register your pet with Diva’s Doggie Dos by visiting