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McGinnis responds to “Taxpayer’s Budget”

18 rank and file members of the state’s House Republican Caucus decided that they are not satisfied with the senate’s proposed revenue plan. 

The Senate’s plan included raising taxes and borrowing from the Tobacco Settlement Fund. House Republicans believe that this is not right way to cover the already approved spending and budget deficit.

In the new “tax payer’s budget” proposal, House Republicans found revenue surpluses in various state departments to transfer into filling the budget gaps. They say this will not hinder any departments operations will not cut any jobs. WTAJ spoke to Representative John McGinnis who is proud of his colleague’s efforts. He says the senate proposal is unfair and the House Republican plan will put taxpayer money to appropriate use.

He said, “That’s just not fair to tax payers, to build up an account at their expense. So, it’s entirely proper what we’ve done here from an economic stand point and even from a basic point of fairness.”

McGinnis continued, “”This is taking money that taxpayers have already paid in and applying it to the needs of the taxpayers.”

The “taxpayer’s budget” is expected to be put to a vote in the House next week. McGinnis says it will need 102 votes from the republicans to pass as he doesn’t expect to receive a single vote from the democrats in the house.