The Butler family in Martinsburg says on Tuesday afternoon the powerful winds uprooted 25 trees at their yard.

We couldn’t see anything, the hail was very loud, battering off the windshield and cars and stuff, Jabon Butler, said.
15 year old Jabon, his brother, and their dad, got home just before 5 Tuesday afternoon when the storm was passing through Martinsburg.

Jabon’s Dad Jason says they stayed in the car, waiting for the golf-ball sized hail storm to pass.

The kids were getting a little nervous and stuff like that, so I had them lay down on the floor and not move and I laid on top of them, started praying, Butler said.

Once the storm passed, they were all shocked by the damage, but also that they, their car and their house was not touched.

We started walking around seeing all the trees down, seeing a lot of the devastation that occurred, Butler said.
When Jabon’s mom told his sister Jaycie her dad and brothers almost died, she couldn’t believe it.
It made me feel very sad but also that we were protected, Butler said.
The Butler family says their trampoline was completely crushed by a tree, but on the bright side they have firewood for years.