A toddler from Luzerne County is making a debut in the big apple.

Two-year-old Brendan Murray has Down Syndrome, and was recently chosen from nearly 2,500 entries worldwide to be featured in a video for the National Down Syndrome Society. His photo is one of about 500.

While he faces some challenges, his mom, Erin says her son is already overcoming the odds.

“The picture that we took in Toys R Us, right before Christmas, he’s sitting in the cart with his legs up in the air, the cart is full of toys, and he is just one happy little boy!” said Erin, Brendan’s mom.

His parents hope Brendan can share some of that happiness, and at the same time, spread awareness about Down Syndrome.

The video will be shown next month in the heart of Times Square before the 24th Annual New York City Buddy Walk. This event promotes the acceptance, inclusion, and value of people with Down Syndrome.